Facial Plastic Surgery

Discover Face-Focused Procedures for Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, Philadelphia, and the Main Line

The face is central to your appearance and an incredibly distinguishing feature. Men and women alike undergo facial plastic surgery to regain their youthful look, as well as alter features that they are unhappy with. The Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, and Philadelphia area’s Cirillo Center for Plastic Surgery offers a variety of procedures to address sagging or loose skin, drooping eyelids, a disproportionate nose, and more. You may ask Dr. Laura Gowen to focus on just one problem area or combine the benefits of several surgeries to create a harmonious new look.

Laura A. Gowen, MD
Plastic Surgery

Meet Plastic Surgeon
Laura A. Gowen, M.D.

Board-certified and breast-fellowship trained plastic surgeon Laura A. Gowen, M.D., draws on her extensive experience and uses advanced techniques to create beautiful, natural results for both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery patients.

Laura A. Gowen, MD

Get details on what the specific facial plastic surgery options available at Cirillo Center for Plastic Surgery can do: