Breast Reduction
Surgery to Decrease Volume on the Chest for Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, Philadelphia, and the Main Line
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Women may deal with oversized breasts, a condition otherwise known as “mammary hypertrophy,” at different stages of life, including during puberty, during pregnancy, or any time after weight gain. Overly large breasts can cause neck and back strain that can turn into long-lasting pain and discomfort. Large breasts can also make it difficult to perform even basic daily activities, such as exercising and finding clothes that fit properly. With a breast reduction, Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, and Philadelphia-area patients can get help with these problems.
- Make breasts smaller and lighter
- Reduce sagging and lift nipples higher on the breast mound
- Improve breast shape
What Is Breast Reduction?
Basically, breast reduction is reducing the volume of large breasts in order to make them smaller for reasons of comfort, aesthetics, or both. The procedure is a common one. Though aesthetic surgeries are not typically covered by insurance, breast reduction may be covered if it is to relieve the physical symptoms of large breasts.
What Does Breast Reduction Surgery Involve?
A breast reduction involves Laura Gowen, MD, removing excess breast skin and tissue, then reshaping the remaining breast into a tighter, lifted position. The incisions will run around the areola, down in a straight line on the lower portion of the breast, and in the breast crease. This is sometimes referred to as an inverted “T” due to its resemblance to the letter seen upside-down.
In addition to the volume reduction, the nipple will be raised to the central portion of the lifted breast, and, if necessary, the areola—the darker pigmented circle of skin surrounding the nipple—will be reduced.
Women of all ages have had successful breast reduction surgery. The procedure is typically handled as an outpatient procedure or requires a hospital stay of just one night. You will wear a soft post operative bra for approximately three to four weeks and should not do any high-impact activities during this period of healing.
Why Do Women Choose Breast Reduction Surgery?
Some women may choose breast reduction to address breasts that have been overly large since they first developed, while others find that their breasts have grown larger over time as they have gained weight or gone through one or more pregnancies.
Large breasts can be a problem for a variety of reasons. In terms of clothing, they can cause outfits to not fit properly or pull a bra so tight that its straps dig into the skin and leave uncomfortable visible lines.
The constant weight of overly large breasts can pull women into a stoop or hunch, which impacts posture and can lead to neck, shoulder, and back pain.
Some women find that significantly large breasts draw unwanted attention, which can lead to feelings of insecurity or embarrassment and can prompt a desire to wear baggy, loose-fitting clothing to hide their bulk.
Any reason a woman wants to consider breast reduction surgery can be a valid one and should be discussed during the initial consultation with Dr. Gowen.
Meet Plastic Surgeon
Laura A. Gowen, M.D.
Board-certified and breast-fellowship trained plastic surgeon Laura A. Gowen, M.D., draws on her extensive experience and uses advanced techniques to create beautiful, natural results for both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery patients.
Will a Breast Reduction Address Sagging?
While the primary benefit of a breast reduction is not to lift the breast, a smaller, lighter breast is less likely to droop, which means a reduction surgery may help if sagging is a concern. Patients who want to know more about procedures to specifically address sagging can also discuss the possibility of a breast lift during their consultation. It is most important for a patient to explain the ultimate aesthetic results she is seeking so Dr. Gowen can guide her toward the surgery or treatment best suited to providing those results.
Why Choose Laura Gowen, MD, for a Breast Reduction?
Dr. Gowen is a board-certified plastic surgeon and member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons who completed a fellowship in Breast Reconstruction and Aesthetic Surgery at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. She has years of experience in the field of plastic surgery, and particularly in breast surgery, making her a surgeon of choice for women in Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, and elsewhere.
Final Words on Breast Reconstruction for Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, and Philadelphia
Women are not the only patients who seek breast reduction surgery in Bryn Mar, Newtown Square, Philadelphia, and beyond. Many men suffer from a condition known as gynecomastia, which causes males to develop breasts. The surgery to correct this issue may involve liposuction, as well as the removal of glandular tissue.
The end result of male breast reduction is different from female breast reduction, since men typically want a flat, toned, masculine chest with no sign of breasts at all, while women still want their breasts—they simply want them to be smaller.
Women and men alike are welcome to bring their breast reduction questions to Dr. Laura Gowen, who will work with each patient to come up with a plan to deliver beautiful results.
Other Breast Surgery Options at Cirillo Plastic Surgery
Women who want to add volume to their breasts—whose concern is the opposite of breast reduction patients—can choose breast augmentation. This involves the insertion of an implant to increase the size of the breast, as well as change its shape. Augmentation surgery may be used to provide symmetry, make the breasts firmer, or help with breast reconstruction after trauma or surgery.
Breast revision is an option for women whose initial augmentation surgery did not yield the desired results, or for cases where an implant ruptured and deflated, leading to visible changes in the breast.
No matter whether the goal is bigger or smaller breasts, improved symmetry, or breasts that sit higher on the chest, Dr. Gowen can work with each patient to understand what she wants out of surgery and recommend the ideal procedure.
More Body Contouring Procedures
Volume reduction elsewhere on the body is a common choice for women, whether they are also seeking breast reduction or not. Surgical fat removal via liposuction can slim down the belly, flanks, and even a double chin. A nonsurgical alternative, CoolSculpting®, achieves a similar effect, but uses cold instead of suction to reduce the number of fat cells in the targeted area.