
Male Breast Reduction for Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, Philadelphia, and the Main Line

Gynecomastia, the technical name for the development of enlarged male breasts, impacts millions of men each year in the United States. The problem may appear during puberty, and it can peak again later in life, as an estimated 25 percent of men between 50 and 80 years old struggle with gynecomastia. Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, and Philadelphia-area men who want to reduce their enlarged breasts can discuss the condition with Dr. Laura Gowen at Cirillo Center for Plastic Surgery.

While some cases of gynecomastia resolve on their own, especially those that appear in adolescence, male breast reduction surgery may be necessary to correct the problem that can contribute to a poor self image and even physical discomfort. There are multiple options available to reduce the size of enlarged breasts, with specifics that depend on the cause, as well as the unique anatomy and health of the patient.

What Does Gynecomastia Involve?

Before discussing details of gynecomastia surgery cost, recovery, and scope, it can be helpful to explore the causes of the problem that some people refer to as “man boobs.” Most simply put, male breast enlargement can happen when hormone balances shift, lowering the amount of testosterone in the body when compared to estrogen. As testosterone governs what are known as male traits, and estrogen governs female traits, the new estrogen-heavy hormone ratio can cause breasts to develop.

A variety of factors can trigger hormone imbalances that lead to gynecomastia. Common catalysts include:
  • Natural hormone shifts, such as during puberty
  • Medications, such as anti-androgens, anabolic steroids, and chemotherapy
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs, such as marijuana
  • Other health conditions, such as hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, or cirrhosis
  • Genetics
  • Weight gain


Because of the many possible causes of gynecomastia, breast enlargement may be due to the development of more fatty tissue, glands, or a combination of the two. Determining the cause will also help determine the scope of the gynecomastia surgery, cost, recovery time, and more. A male breast reduction surgery in Philadelphia may, for instance, involve the removal of fat, glandular tissue, or both.

Fat removal is typically handled via liposuction, which is the suctioning out of fat cells via a thin tube. Unwanted glandular tissue can be surgically excised. Dr. Gowen aims to make incisions in areas where scars will be less noticeable, such as around the areola or in the lower chest crease.

These treatments are typically handled as outpatient procedures that require one to two weeks of recovery time and may necessitate the wearing of a compression garment to minimize swelling.

Laura A. Gowen, MD
Plastic Surgery

Meet Plastic Surgeon
Laura A. Gowen, M.D.

Board-certified and breast-fellowship trained plastic surgeon Laura A. Gowen, M.D., draws on her extensive experience and uses advanced techniques to create beautiful, natural results for both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery patients.

Laura A. Gowen, MD

Final Words on Gynecomastia Surgery for Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, and Philadelphia

Losing a large amount of weight can result in stretched-out skin tissue that sags, creating the appearance of breasts on a male chest. This excess tissue can be removed, and the nipples can be returned to their normal position on the chest.

No matter the cause or the specific treatment, the end goal of gynecomastia surgery is the same: to create a flatter chest and more masculine profile.