Diagnosis of Biopsies in Bryn Mawr, Newtown Square, Philadelphia, and the Main Line
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Dermatopathology is the study and interpretation of skin biopsies.
Dermatologists often seek microscopic confirmation of a patient’s skin condition from dermatopathologists who integrate the patient’s clinical history with microscopic observations of the biopsy to render a final interpretation. For many conditions, dermatopathology is the only route toward accurate diagnosis. The accurate microscopic interpretation of the biopsy is important in the selection of appropriate therapies.
Dermatopathologists are physicians who, after completing initial training in dermatology or pathology, receive additional training in accredited programs for the interpretation of skin biopsies. The subspecialty of dermatopathology is a combination of both dermatology (the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, and nail disorders) and pathology (examination of the microscopic features of disorders of the skin).
Meet Our Dermatopathologist
John K. Mulholland, M.D. is double board-certified in Dermatology and Dermatopathology. Dr. Mulholland interprets skin biopsies under the microscope to make definitive diagnoses. Accurate microscopic interpretation is critical for the selection of the appropriate treatment.
Diagnosing your skin tissue is not an automated laboratory test. Dermatopathologists provide a personal, consultative service to your dermatologist, which includes analyzing your medical information in conjunction with microscopic observations. The ultimate goal is to provide the best possible patient care for you. Bryn Mawr Skin & Cancer places a premium on accurate and timely diagnosis for our patients, and thus, we feel it is important to have a dermatopathologist on staff.
John K. Mullholland, M.D. is the dermatopathologist at Bryn Mawr Skin & Cancer Institute. He is double board certified from the American Board of Dermatology in both Dermatology and Dermatopathology.
Body Check Appointments at Bryn Mawr Skin & Cancer Institute
Body checks performed by our board-certified dermatologists account for nearly half of all the medical dermatology appointments at Bryn Mawr Skin & Cancer Institute. During a body check appointment, the dermatologist thoroughly examines your largest organ: the skin. Your doctor carefully inspects your skin from the tips of your toes to the top of your scalp and asks if you notice any areas of concern.
If the dermatologist spots a suspicious lesion, a biopsy (sample) will be collected and sent to the pathology lab for closer inspection under a microscope. Adult patients should schedule an annual body check appointment, unless directed to come in more frequently.
To schedule an appointment for a body check, Please BOOK ONLINE, call 610.525.0500 or Contact Us or Contact Us.