Emily Angelo

Favorite food?

My favorite food is sushi.

Favorite hobbies?

When I am not working the things I enjoy doing the most are traveling, running, shopping, trying new restaurants, and spending time with my family, boyfriend and nephew.

How did you first come to work in the field of Dermatology/ Aesthetic Dermatology/ Cosmetic Dermatology?

I thought when I graduated nursing school I would go into Psychiatric Nursing. I happened to run into a fellow classmate who shared her decision to enter the world of Aesthetics. In the back of my mind I also had a sneaky passion for Aesthetics.  Shortly after finishing my BSN program, I followed in her footsteps and signed on with the same practice.

What’s the best thing about your job?

Helping others  gain more confidence and look their best is very rewarding for me. I also love learning  about the latest technology in the Cosmetic /Aesthetic industry  in conjunction with being exposed to the fascinating world of medical dermatology.

Anything else you’d like people to know about you?

I’m 100% Irish, and although a big lover of the sun, my 20s taught me to protect my skin! I will always tell my patients to WEAR SUNSCREEN!