Women and men have long yearned for safe and effective ways to treat aged, sun-damaged skin.  Now it’s possible.  Painless skin resurfacing has arrived via Cirillo Cosmetic’s FDA-approved fractional ablative skin resurfacing laser that improves skin texture and tone, diminishes brown spots, and smoothes wrinkles anywhere on the body.  This fractional laser erases those factors that add years to our appearance, restoring youthful, glowing skin.

Victoria A. Cirillo-Hyland, M.D. of Cirillo Cosmetic Dermatology Spa says that the science behind the fractional technology delivers the dramatic results of ablative resurfacing treatments without its prolonged healing period.  Patients generally resume their normal routine almost immediately.  Dr. Cirillo-Hyland selects her lasers based on both their scientific results as well as their downtime profiles.  She keeps Cirillo Cosmetic Dermatology Spa current with the latest, most innovative laser technology for her patients.

How Fractional Laser Works?
Fractional skin resurfacing is based on the principle of micro-thermal treatment zones.  The laser pulses create tiny treatment zones (see pictures below), removing the upper layers of skin.  The micro-thermal treatment triggers the body’s natural healing process, stimulating the growth of new, healthy skin.  The laser treats small zones of the skin, leaving surrounding tissue untouched and intact.  These untouched areas act as a reservoir for more effective and rapid tissue healing and collagen production.  In short, healthier more youthful skin emerges after two to four treatment sessions.

Dr. Cirillo-Hyland explains what makes this fractional laser unique, compared to conventional laser skin resurfacing:
it is a painless procedure, requiring no topical anesthesia
it requires no prep-time (no gel, no blue dye)
it results in no down-time
it stimulates collagen regeneration
it delivers great long-term results
it is safe

Who can be Treated?
Since the laser procedure produces a “comfortable sensation” for patients, it can be used anywhere on the body and on patients of most skin types.  Since the fractional technology spares healthy tissue, it is particularly effective on delicate skin areas such as the face, neck, chest, and hands.  In summary, fractional skin resurfacing offers the best of both worlds: superior results, yet no pain and no downtime.

Youthful, glowing skin via fractional, painless skin resurfacing laser is available locally at Cirillo Cosmetic Dermatology Spa.  Our medical dermatology practice, Bryn Mawr Skin & Cancer Institute, is conveniently located adjacent to our Spa.  Our center represents the area’s largest, most-credentialed skin care and cosmetic surgery center, addressing all medical, surgical, pediatric, and cosmetic skin care needs.  For more information, contact us at 610.525.5029 and 610.525.5028